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“Better Traction – Better Trails”


Glenn Welch and the team at BITEHARDER have just released a new program called “Better Traction – Better Trails” that is sure to be a win-win for the snowmobiling industry.

Born out of the necessity for repeatable traction performance that provides better handling and safety, BITEHARDER’s full line of carbide runner and stud sharpening tools have become widely recognized for their ability to provide riders with a simple and cost-effective method to “stay sharp” all season long.

As the developer and owner of BITEHARDER Products, Welch describes that he attended the 2018 International Snowmobile Congress in Halifax to understand more about what was needed in improving the future of our sport.  The two issues that resonated the loudest were reducing accidents/fatalities, and improving overall funding mechanisms for better trail maintenance.

Welch says, “With what I learned at the congress, I set out to develop a program that would help to solve these issues.  The result was our “Better Traction – Better Trails” program where 10% of all BITEHARDER product sales are returned directly to the participating state snowmobile association (or provincial snowmobile federation), from where the sale originates.

The win-win scenario comes in the form of snowmobilers riding on “Better Traction” and associations/federations having more funding for “Better Trails”.  It could not be easier.”

The program was officially released at the 2019 International Snowmobile Congress in Grand Rapids Michigan where all of the associations and federations BITEHARDER approached agreed to participate in the program.  Welch commented, “The states and provinces recognize the safety benefits snowmobiler’s get from better traction and welcome the extra monies BITEHARDER donates back.”

Over the 2018/2019 season BITEHARDER tested the “Better Traction – Better Trails” program in their home state of New Hampshire, and in the province of Ontario, with great results.  Dan Gould, Executive Director of the New Hampshire Snowmobile Association stated, “The board earmarked the monies to the trails committee.”  In Ontario the monies were flowed down to support better trail maintenance and operations.

Welch commented, “We are extremely excited about watching this program grow over the next few years.  It will definitely be a win-win for both snowmobilers and their respective associations/federations.”

To learn more about the “Better Traction – Better Trails” program or to purchase BITEHARDER products, visit them on the web at www.biteharder.com.  Additional informational can also be found on BITEHARDER’s YouTube Channel.


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