Home Cruisin' YouTube Cruisin’ YouTube December 2011 Edition

Cruisin’ YouTube December 2011 Edition


Vintage Jingles

They don’t’ make jingles like this anymore; (strange) orange buggies, big air and hot babes sure will make you want to buy a 1970 Allouette.

[youtube id=”GzwQiBBOE_E” width=”600″ height=”350″]


Ahhh, Big Blue…you’ll be singing this honky tonk jingle for the rest of the day… you can thank us later.

[youtube id=”2jQmbD8uxpM” width=”600″ height=”350″]


Moto-Ski, Tougher 7 Ways – After watching this torture test ad, we’ve come up with some new testing ideas for this winter’s OSM Throw Down… stay tuned.

[youtube id=”8dHJZXGS0zM” width=”600″ height=”350″]


The Year of the Cat. – The 1970’s, the decade that killed the muscle car, ushered in disco, and squashed free love at least gave us some bitchy jingles.

[youtube id=”ZP18V_4LxZw” width=”600″ height=”350″]


Go Do It – Originally written for the Bee Gees, this disco inspired 1970’s Ski-Doo jingle is one of our all time faves.

[youtube id=”z1q364v97n4″ width=”600″ height=”350″]


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