With our U.S. office located within the state of Minnesota, news of thousands of miles of prime trails and riding areas being shutdown come next winter did more than simply catch our attention. If you live in Minnesota, or simply love to ride here… now is the time to make your voice heard. We can attest, contacting your state representatives DOES make a difference! Here’s the latest insight from the Minnesota United Snowmobiler’s Association:
Access to Forest Lands for Snowmobiling in Jeopardy
Northern Minnesota forest lands are an essential part of our beautiful snowmobile trail system. Keeping these lands open to snowmobiling and other recreation is extremely important both to our enjoyment and to the local economy. Presently the House/Senate Tax Conference Committee threatens to close thousands of acres of land to recreation. This includes land in the Crane Lake/Kabetogema/International Falls area. Please call your legislators today. Leave a message for them to contact the members of the Tax Conference Committee and ask them to keep the forest lands open for snowmobiling.
Speaking points:
– Identify yourself as a constituent and give your name, phone and address
– Always be respectful and appreciative
– Ask your legislator to communicate with the tax chairs (Rep. Lenczewski and Sen. Skoe) and the members of the conference committee to work towards a compromise that will ensure Northern Minnesota will continue to be a destination point for snowmobiling and other recreational activities.
– Thank your legislator for their assistance and for listening to your concerns.
– Ask for a reply if you want one and leave your name and phone number again.
For contact information for your own legislator, go to http://www.gis.leg.mn/OpenLayers/districts/
Conference committee members are:
Rep. Ann Lenczewski Sen. Rod Skoe
Rep. Jim Davnie Sen. Ann Rest
Rep. Tom Anzelc Sen. Kari Dziedzic
Rep. John Benson Sen. Lyle Koenen
Rep. Kim Norton Sen. David Senjem
Conference committee members need to hear from urban legislators. If you have a metro members in your club, please forward this request to them.
Terry Hutchinson, Chair
MnUSA Legislative/Trails Committee
working on the trail use