Home Buzz HAY DAYS 2019 – SCENE IT



Back in September our crew from OSM and Snowmobiler Television packed up and headed out to the 53rd Annual Hay Days in North Branch, Minnesota. Hay Days is a huge outdoor snowmobile show and swap with a lot of outdoor features. There were Sled manufactures, gear and accessories displayed, swap booths and events like freestyle, racing and mud racing going on. If you haven’t made your way to Hay Days, maybe it’s time that you put this September event on your to do list.

Even though the swapper says it’s a runner, may we suggest a vehicle walk around?

There were many vintage sleds on display!

Near mint! All it needs is a new seat cover.

A lot of these quality fixer-upper opportunities, lay throughout the swap. For only $300 the motor will turn over, but it needs a carburetor… and lots of love.

Typical scene in the swap. Boys…Beers…BS being spread and of course some parts!

Who’d have guessed that an old bus with a monster 4-place sled deck would be such a honey wagon?

If you come across someone trying to sell their old sweat filled swampers. Take our advice and walk away.

We found these matching his and hers Indy Trails for only $1000, plus they’d throw in covers and all of the parts around them.

We’re not sure why these 3 screws were sticking out of the ski on this sled. We can only guess that it was a theft deterrent.

If you have an idea of why these screws were installed email us at info@osmmag.com with a Subject Line “I’ve got the answer”, and if we like what you have to say we’ll send you a t-shirt. Include your size, name and shipping address!

How can you say no to anything for a buck in 2019?

Ski tips optional…One of the first attempts at weight reduction in the late ‘80s that didn’t work.

The sweat-filled used shoe and helmet market at Hay Days is both gross and surprisingly quite popular…

STV’s host Jeff Steenbakkers couldn’t believe someone would ever part with a near perfect XCR 6.

When you see this type of sales technique you have to stand and applaud.

We took a picture of this vibrant 1991 Wildcat to prove that some are still in mint condition. Many believed that they vibrated so badly that all the bolts and rivets would shake right out of it.

Savvy Swappers never miss a sale even when they’re not there.

Guess how many hoods are stacked here?  Guess right and win a prize from OSM – Send answers to info@osmmag.com  Subject Line “MY GUESS”.

To many swappers had trailers like this one just over flowing with S%!#.

The seller clearly didn’t want to sell this honey… Not only didn’t they clean it, but also they displayed a boost pack right in front of the old Excel showing a lack of enthusiasm in the starting power.

It wouldn’t be Hay Days if Tiny Tim didn’t make it out.

FXR had a monster booth across from the track.

Polaris had a lot of their race sleds on display.

Back to back Iron Dog wins for the #10 of Chris Olds and Mike Morgan.

Ski-Doo was the only MFG to release a new race sled at Hay Days.

The Yamaha Sidewinder is one of the best-looking sleds on the entire field.

Bikeman Performance always brings a massive set-up.

Arctic Cat had a new set up this year, which gave needed shelter to all when the rain arrived.

An outlaw sled ready for lift off with a Predator pilot.

Watching the speeds that the elite drag sleds hit is both scary and exciting.

Turns out Brad’s true talent is with a chainsaw.

As always, the freestyle show was a hit.

















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