Home Buzz Heath Frisby Along With Sayers and Elkins to Perform at Toronto Show…INDOORS

Heath Frisby Along With Sayers and Elkins to Perform at Toronto Show…INDOORS


With just a little over a week to go till the doors open at the Toronto International Snowmobile, ATV, and Powersports Show, things are gearing up to make this show the best one ever. Back of course is the always popular freestyle show, and this year’s events will be led by Heath Frisby, Keith Sayers, and Cody Elkins. All three athletes are well established freestyle riders and together they will create a show that will feature snowmobiles, motorcycles, and ATVs in an all-out aerial assault. However, unlike year’s past, where show attendees would witness the show outside, event promoters have done the unthinkable and moved the entire motorsports expo inside! The new indoor showcase will take place inside Event Hall 4 and will offer up plenty of grandstand seating giving everyone perfect sight lines to the tricks and flips.

Heath Frisby
Heath Frisby

“The level of excitement that Snowmobile Freestyle brings to the Show is incredible, and this year we’ve moved all the action indoors. Over the past thirteen years we’ve had to cancel a few shows due to high winds and unpredictable heavy rain. We won’t have that problem this year. Having Heath indoors in a very comfortable environment will make this freestyle show our largest to date.  We’re thrilled to have Heath back along with Sayers and Elkins at the 29th Annual Show”, said show manager Mike Blakoe.

The trio will open their performances on Friday, October 21, at 3:00pm. In addition, both Saturday and Sunday will feature two performances each day. The show opens at 1:00pm on Friday and runs through Sunday, October 23. To avoid the lines, you can purchase tickets in advance and save $3. For more information on all the events and features of this year’s show visit www.torontosnowmobileatvshow.com


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