Home Buzz Polaris Announces Return of Winning Riders

Polaris Announces Return of Winning Riders


The Polaris Winning Riders program returns for another season. The program which is entering it’s eighth year is one small way in which Polaris can give back to the clubs and associations who help to make this sport possible. By giving a small percentage from each sled sold back to the state or province of where it was sold, Polaris is helping to recognize the folks who help build, maintain and protect the trails and riding areas we all enjoy. Here’s the official release from Medina, Minnesota issued this morning:

MEDINA, MN (Oct. 25, 2012) – For the eighth consecutive year, state and provincial snowmobile organizations across North America are receiving contributions from the Polaris “Winning Riders” program, which generates support for the groups based on sales of new Polaris snowmobiles.

From Newfoundland to Washington and Alaska to Quebec, snowmobile associations are receiving “Winning Riders” funds proportionate to the number of new Polaris snowmobiles sold within each state and province. Polaris is making contributions to snowmobile associations in 12 Canadian provinces and territories and 25 states in the United States.

Polaris also announced it is extending the Winning Riders program through the 2013 sales season, meaning contributions will be made next year based on retail sales of new Polaris snowmobiles between April 1, 2012, and March 31, 2013.

“The passion for snowmobiling is running strong across the North American snowbelt,” said Mike Jonikas, VP of Polaris Snowmobiles, Sales and Corporate Marketing. “We see real benefits in supporting the associations that coordinate activities of snowmobile clubs and help develop great riding opportunities.”

Polaris makes the “Winning Riders” contributions with “no strings attached,” allowing each state or province to decide how to use the funds it receives. Projects funded by Winning Riders donations in recent years have included membership drives, trail and grooming programs, legislative efforts, tourism promotion and more.


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