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BRP and Raven Motorsports Look to Help Fort McMurray Rebuild After Spring Fires


The wildfires that tore through parts of far northern Canada this spring delivered both incredible images and devastation. In total more than 2,400 buildings were destroyed in the Fort McMurray, Alberta area and more than 80,000 residents were forced to evacuate. Now in the aftermath of those fires the community looks to rebuild and in helping them get back to some level of “normal” BRP and Fort McMurray dealer Raven Motorsports has made a significant contribution to the community in hopes of jump starting the process. Here’s the official release from BRP on those efforts:

BRP (TSX:DOO), in solidarity with its Fort McMurray dealer Raven Motorsports, provided a $20,000 donation to the Wood Buffalo Community Food Bank that is struggling to answer the demand as families and individuals return to their devastated communities. BRP’s donation supplements Raven’s own contribution of $10,000.

The forest fire in early May has destroyed approximately 2,400 buildings and forced the evacuation of more than 80,000 residents. The Wood Buffalo Food Bank provides programs to ensure food security for all citizens. With residents returning to Fort McMurray since early June, some to homes that have been completely destroyed, the organisation has seen a fivefold increase in demand.

“We have been in regular contact with our local dealer, and we understand that the crying need is in re-entry efforts,” said Bernard Guy, BRP’s vice-president and regional general manager, North America. “BRP is committed to supporting its local communities. Our thoughts are with the first responders, volunteers, business and community leaders and all residents as they rebuild their communities.”

“This event has not only impacted the local population, it has brought significant change to Alberta,” said Richard Balan, president, RTA (Raven Truck Accessories) Holdings. “We are very proud of how our organization, vendors and partners have pulled together with the entire province to assist with the rebuilding and to help those in need.”

“Our commitment to Fort McMurray and our desire to contribute helps our family continue to deal with this challenging experience, as we work to re-open our business,” said Sandy and Jason Glasbergen, Local Owner Operators, Raven Motorsports.


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