Livin LaVallee VOG: The F1 Jump That Almost Didn’t Happen
In the world of extreme sports, it’s rare for an idea to feel so daring that it almost doesn’t come to life — but that’s exactly what happened when Red Bull chose Minneapolis to host their iconic Red Bull Show Run, a high-speed demonstration that lets fans get up close to a Formula One car in action on city streets.
When the event was announced, Red Bull wanted to add a distinctly Minnesota twist to the show. It didn’t take long for Team LaVallee owner and legendary snowmobile racer Levi LaVallee to pitch an idea that would become the stuff of local legend: “I could jump my snowmobile over the Formula 1 car.”
At first, Levi was confident. “In my mind, I thought, ‘I can do this. I’m pretty sure I can,’” he recalls. But not everyone shared his confidence. The F1 team, understandably more cautious about the risk, wasn’t as convinced it could be done. That initial hesitation nearly led to the stunt being called off entirely.
“I have earned some of the highest honors, conquered world record feats, and lived through near-death experiences … all with these 3 simple life lessons; hard work, a positive attitude and my favorite, having FUN.” – Levi LaVallee